Leading the field
Nyala stays a top seller
The Nyala flatbed printer has been leading the European sales statistics since 2015 – that’s for the past nine years.
Geneva-based market research institute Infosource has confirmed this yet again: Nyala leads the field. In 2023, no other printer in its league* sold more units in Europe than the swissQprint flagship. Since being launched eleven years ago, it has already undergone three major development iterations. The 4th generation operates with the latest technologies.
Speaking of developments: Kudu, our new high-end flatbed printer, débuts at third place in the sales statistics although it has only been on the market for just over a year! Both this model and Nyala feature compellingly high print quality and performance along with great versatility Apropos versatility, printer output in general grew yet more colourful with the introduction of our neon inks three years ago.
*UV flatbed/hybrid printers >60” (152.4 cm) wide in the 130,000 – 650,000 EUR price segment, compared to all brands and models surveyed.