Low-maintenance machines

A result of a well-thought-out, robust architecture.

Low-maintenance machines © swissQprint

swissQprint large format printers are designed to perform for at least ten years in multi-shift operation. Thanks to their robust design, downtime is minimal. What factors underpin this enduring reliability?

  • High-quality materials, with a preference for metals such as steel and aluminium

  • Machine components designed for many years of use in multi-shift operation

  • An absolute minimum number of wear components

swissQprint development effort pays off for you in both business and ecological terms:

small number of technical interventions  © swissQprint

The small number of technical interventions required by swissQprint technicians saves service trips and associated maintenance costs as well as CO₂ emissions.
Fewer wear components  © swissQprint

Fewer wear components reduce the need to replace machine parts, with the consumption of resources that entails.
Minimal ink consumption © swissQprint

Minimal ink consumption during print head cleaning and low use of consumables prevent waste.
LED lamps © swissQprint

The LED lamps used are low-wear. That saves you electricity and expense.

It’s a question that the developers of our high-quality large-format printers ask themselves: which components can we make repairable? Because new parts, such as circuit boards, are expensive and replacing them consumes resources. Repair avoids waste and conserves resources.

Refurbished print heads

A few years old and in good condition, refurbished print heads are given a second life. Maybe in your swissQprint large format printer. Your benefit: cost savings and protecting the environment.

Pronate Co., Ltd., Japan © swissQprint

Pronate Co., Ltd., Japan

JapanShinji Hasegawa

“With Nyala, ink waste has dropped in half. First of all, the daily maintenance of the print heads scarcely wastes any ink. Thanks to LED technology, UV lamps do not need to be replaced and power consumption is low.”